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Friday, May 4, 2007

Religous Differences

Just recently, I was thinking about the differences in religion. I thought about how selfish human beings have become and it really saddens me. Lets talk about Muslims. (Please remember that I have never had anything against them.. and I honestly don't think I ever will).
Why is it that most people have problems with Muslims? I mean seriously, if we're all supposed to be educated, then why are we still against people from another religion??

Weren't we all taught in school that everyone is equal?? Whatever's happened to all that we were taught??

If God made everyone keeping their equality in mind then why is it that I hear something or the other against Islam (since we're talking about Muslims) everyday?? Why did God allow things like Caste, Creed and Religion to take place??

Why don't people (and this includes the educated) understand and realise that everyone in the end prays to one God, but its only that the ways of praying are different!?!?! Why don't most of us understand that we all have one common destination to reach in the end but we are just on different paths??

Why do we allow ourselves to be so blinded by hatred, that we fail to see the love that people and things have to offer??

Why do we think that just because one person was bad or one experience was bad the rest are bad as well??

People may be educated till the extent of holding a degree, but we're honestly far from being educated. We can claim to be truly educated when we accept everyone around us for who they are and where they come from. True education is when we've learnt about humanity.

I know this for sure, that if we only opened up our hearts and minds and gave all our fellow human beings another chance, things would be a whole lot different!! There would be more love in this world consumed by hatred and selishness and I believe that we all that some of that love for sure....... ?!?!?!?!?!?!???


Unknown said...

vow.... my darling.... i dindt know you were capable of writing ....s o much depth...... i kwno where this is all coming from... but stilll..... and i must say u write WELL....... very well......... LOVE YOU !!!!

Unknown said...

Hi depthi it s really nice

Gokul Padoor said...

This hatred is 'manufactured' by vested interests, common men just want his next bread and would do it in cordiality, but politicians , and other people who benefit out of the rift in peoples mind keep the rift growing, wounds fresh.

If u read correxct, u can even see a world-wide conspiracy theory, which is not a theory anymore, its a fact- the business men, the arms factories, US, religious mercenaries every one wants anarchy and ashanti to prevail, so that they can make hay when their sun shines!(more arms, more money in the name of orphans/destitutes, more insecurity and less families and hence more expenditure among singles, its a long chain of diaboli).

Write more, read more before that, get sharper, insightful and prevail with truth. Let the light lead you.