Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

♫☺☼♥ Things that keep me busy. ♥☼☺♫

Abstract is good, ain't it? :)

Trying out my hand in Illustrator. Think I'll go have some coffee now.

Comments, please. What does it look like, to you?

Snow. And the man. Something else I truly love. Will it ever snow in Mumbai? Sigh.

One of my favorite works in Illustrator. Absolutely love it. Thanks to a certain book that inspired me!


Kanan! One of my bestest friends. :) Loved doing this. She doesn't know I've put it up yet. :)

Photoshop. Half actual picture, half digital painting. P.S: The chick on the right is not supposed to look like the one on the left.

Another of my photoshop works. Love the blueness of the image. Clashes perfectly against the pink!!

Ah! Bell dancing, an art, I wish to learn well someday! :) (Photoshop painting)

Love coats ya!! When will the Mumbai weather allow us to actually buy one of these!!

Yes, yes, HipHop it is! :)

Hmmm, one of my first attempts at graphic designing or something like that I guess! Love it. Something very african about it.

:) Charcoal/Pencil on Paper.

Photoshop digital painting!

Drawing figures is something maybe I kind of still need to figure out. But hey! I'm getting there. :)

Watercolor on regular paper.

Eagle/Vulture eye. Can't remember. Again, for that same project which is currently stalled. Pencil on paper.

One of my very first watercolors on paper.

Very amateur attempt at a sketch. Loves gowns, but in this one, love the hair!

Finally, an oil painting on canvas! Thanks Mrs. Chaudhary! She helped me put this on canvas. Again, goes way, way back!

Told you I had a fascination with the human eye! This might not be that human though. :)
Pencil on regular paper!

Well, it was kind of a cloudy night when I painted this. One of my spontaneous paintings! Watercolor on handmade paper.
Eagle! Denotes power and discipline. Absolutely love it! One of my favorite birds. Made this sketch on paper for a movie my friends and I were working on. Stalled for the time being, I guess.

Acrylic/fabric paint on paper. One of my favorites! Need I say more?
Ah! Eyes. My fascination with the human eye goes way back I guess. Even when I'm doodling just generally like one does on notepads and all, it's usually always eyes that I draw. Charcoal on paper.

Pretty lady in blue. :) That's what I like calling her. As you could probably tell, blue is my favorite color. Very peaceful. Don't you think?
Soft/medium Oil Pastels on paper.

So, this I created way back in 2006. One of my early works in charcoal on paper. Always wish I had a place like this!

One of my works in watercolor on handmade paper. Love the snow.

Just a basic doodle kinda thing I was trying out. Hip-Hop is nice and easy to draw, ain't it?

Another work in watercolor on handmade paper. You'll find a lot of my creations are scenery based!

Another work on paper using shading pencils and charcoal.

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