Blog Archive

Saturday, March 17, 2007

my first blog!!!

There are many people in this world who keep grumbling about how "short" life can be and how we never know whats going to happen tomorrow. Thats true ofcourse, but its people like these who decide to take one huge stride and do everything they could possibly dream of because they think there'll be no tomorrow. They end up making the most stupid mistakes thinking its all for their own good. But what they don't understand is that life isn't actually "short". Life is long.. long enough for us to fulfill all our fantasies and dreams (although fantasies are always unrealistic and next to impossible to be fulfilled). So its always better to take life one step at a time, to enjoy every moment to the fullest and to live each minute and day we are given. It never makes sense to rush through it all and then hit a dead end because when that happens we don't know what to do next because we've already done what we want to... Life's just a blurr when we rush through it like that and when we look back we tend to regret most of the things we've done. Excessive impulsiveness is always a bad thing. There are people who believe so much in taking risks that they take them even when not required.. they take risks because they do not think things through. They don't stop to see if the risks they're taking have chances of success because if not then its not taking a risk.. Its just plain stupidity!!! And believe me.. there are people who are so stupid!!

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