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Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Remaining Poems!!

As I had published only three of my eight poems earlier, I'm posting the remaining 5.. So Happy Reading!!!!! :)


Loving you is so easy,
And it's like a dream come true
Loving you is so wonderful
And that’s all I wanna do.

The colors you’ve brought to my life,
Are nice, bright and pure
No greys and blacks exist anymore
Only vivid pretty colors for sure!

I dream of us in the dark,
Our souls are one, but bodies apart
A dream I wish would never end
Coz if it did, it would break my heart.

What is it that you’ve done to me?
I don’t think I can’t ever explain,
I won’t deny that I like it,
But inside me I don’t feel the same.

I feel it running through my veins
Reaching my fingers, tickling my toes,
This feeling called love is all around me
And it's this feeling that grows

It's really kinda funny
This feeling inside,
But the fact that it's so lovely,
I may never be able to hide.

If this could go on forever,
I’d die a thousand times,
It doesn’t matter if I’d hurt myself
Coz in the end I know it’s worthwhile.


There are times in life
When we make mistakes,
Sometimes they’re not intentional
But it's the hearts they break.

It's hurts a lot
So we cry inside
But no-one knows
Coz we’re smiling outside.

Sometimes we’re the victims,
So there’s nothing we can do
But when we’re the sinners,
There’s nothing we want to do.

Times like these have taught me
To let go and not to cry,
Holding grudges is never worth it
Coz there are better things in life.

So I pass on this lesson
To forgive and to forget,
Move on, don’t take revenge
And live your life to it's fullest!

6. TITLE (24th December, 2006).

We all come across different roads in life,
That makes us who we are
They mould and make us wiser
So that we reach heights and go far.

These roads help us make a choice
To sweat it out or to dream,
Some make the former wiser choice
While others decide to just let it be.

Fantasy is perfect and unreal
And it's just always so nice,
Once we get in, it's hard to get out
Coz life in there in sugared and spiced!

Reality is what we see,
Sometimes it's good sometimes it's bad
It's when we see that we realize
Life can be happy or can be sad

So don’t be foolish and get carried away
Coz as much as we enjoy fantasy
It’s reality that’ll help later in life
To be what we wanna be.
This poem happens to be one of my favourite ones.. I dunno why but i guess its coz of whats in it!!
7. TITLE (25th December, 2006).

I’m staring at the sun
But it's too yellow and bright
I don’t know what’s been happening
But I hope what I’m gonna do is right.

I’m falling from the top
But I’ve not yet hit the ground
I feel like I’m flying
People are screaming all around

The clouds and the sky stare back at me
As the breeze softly bites my face,
I don’t feel my weight anymore
I'm in a completely different place.

A thousand things run through my head,
I’m beginning to regret what I’m doing
But it's too late, I can’t turn back
I started it and have to keep going.

“Thud!” is the last I heard,
I know I’ve hit the ground
My body goes numb and so does my head,
People are starting to gather around

I get up but they don’t notice
I scream but they can’t hear
I realize why as I stare at myself
My eyes begin to widen in fear.

Fear soon turns into sorrow,
As I realize what I have done,
The tears start falling from my eyes
I turn away and begin to run.


We all have had our bad times
When we thought it's gonna end
Sometimes a heart break that tore us apart
Or even worse, a fight with a close friend.

We’re buried in the past so deep
That we’re afraid to move ahead,
Coz the wounds are still fresh and full of pain,
Hurtful words still resounding in our heads.

Don’t let those painful times
Strip you of your beliefs
Coz one fine day you’re gonna see,
That life isn’t bad as you thought it’d be.

Don’t lose yourself in those memories
That you’ll miss the good times coming your way
Don’t base your future on your past
Coz tomorrow is another day!

So break free and move ahead
Coz the future’s really bright
Be it love or life or work
You’re gonna find your way alright!!
Well, thats all for now i guess!!! Ciao!!!!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thts so Good and soo pure...
Ur mind speaks beauty...Kool

Dimps said...

Thank you Prince!! :)